全自动卧滚式贴标机 Automatic Horizontal Wrap-around Labeler ALB-215 适用范围: 此设备适用于无法平稳站立的圆筒型产品贴标,例如小注射瓶、药水瓶、口服液瓶、小蜡笔、管状物、唇膏、电池等。 Applications: This machine is designed for non-standing round bottles and containers that are not vertically stable(round bottom or top heavy) including ampoules, vials, crayons, tube, lip balm containers and small batteries, etc. 技术特点: 1. 整机用#304不锈钢制造。 2. PLC+液晶触摸屏控制操作。 3. ±1mm高精确度贴标。 4. 伺服马达带动贴标头,自动与输送带同步,保证高速、高质贴标。 5. 设备配有根据产品特殊订做的输送带。 Features: 1. Machine main construction by Stainless Steel #304. 2. PLC combined with touch screen control system. 3. High accuracy labeling, ±1mm tolerance. 4. Servo motor driven labeling head, labeling speed is automatically synchronized with conveyor speed to ensure high speed and quality labeling. 5. Equipped with special designed product conveyor. 选项: 1. 打码器 2. 透明标签电眼 3. 可根据产品尺寸选购自动入瓶机构 Option: 1. Hot printer 2. Transparent label sensor 3. Customer-made loading case for each product size 型号 Model ALB-215 标签高度/宽度 Label Height/ Width A: 10-110mm; C: 10-170mm 标签长度 Label Length 15-80mm 产品直径/厚度 Product Dia./Width 10-25mm 贴标速度 Labeling Speed 12-35m/min 纸卷内径/外径 Reel Inner/ Outer Dia. Within 76mm/ 360mm 以内